We develop nudges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from traffic, and to fortify carbon sinks in forests. 

Have you already been nudged?

CLIMATE NUDGE is a multi-year research project which creates, develops and tests nudges to reduce GHG emission from traffic and to fortify carbon sinks in forests. We are constantly evaluating the ethics, economics and health effects of nudges.

Did you already know the connections between nudges, your smartphone screen and the lunch line in cafeteria? Read more!

Climate Nudges
About the project

The many benefits of active commuting

Physical activity is often performed for leisure and recreation. In the hustle… Read more The many benefits of active commuting

Who’s interested in the company bike benefit? Preliminary findings from a survey

BLOG It has been known a long time that cycling is good for… Read more Who’s interested in the company bike benefit? Preliminary findings from a survey

Physical activity can promote learning and wellbeing at secondary school

A study led by the University of Eastern Finland suggests that adolescents… Read more Physical activity can promote learning and wellbeing at secondary school