Management and coordination
We take care of overall management and coordination, and lead stakeholder collaboration. The leader of the package and the whole consortium is Prof. Paula Salo, University of Turku. The coordinator of the project is Kaisa Vuori.

Paula Salo
Consortium Leader / Professor of Psychology, University of Turku 029 450 3029 paula.salo(at)utu.fi
Nudging individuals through communities
We develope a process for co-creating, implementing and evaluating nudges in the context of Finnish communities and society. This process will be utilized to enable development and evaluation of GHG decreasing and carbon sink fortifying nudges. We also aims to address criticisms voiced towards nudge theory and improve methodological rigor of nudge research.

Paula Salo
Consortium Leader / Professor of Psychology, University of Turku 029 450 3029 paula.salo(at)utu.fiTransport societal nudges – emissions
We evaluate travel and environment effects of nudges, quantifies the impact of these interventions for national transport related GHG emissions. We compare the results of nudges with traditional fiscal scenarios in local and national level.

Land use societal nudges – sinks
We co-create and implement nudge interventions for changing behavior and decision making of forest owners and forest professionals towards climate friendly forest management practices. We also analyse the institutional features, and demographic and value-based characteristics affecting response to nudges. We valuate and compare effectiveness and impacts of nudges with other steering instruments.

Economic guidance and cost estimations
We develope baselines for economic modelling, evaluate economic efficiency and distributional implications of policy measures and estimate effectiveness and welfare implications of nudges.

Ethics, social acceptability and justice
We evaluate climate nudging interventions from the ethical perspective, form criteria for ethically and socially acceptable climate nudges, and ensure that nudges developed in this project are ethically and socially sound. The starting point is that all nudges are not similar from the ethical or social perspectives.

Health and wellbeing effects
We produce knowledge on the associations between mitigation measures and health and wellbeing, evaluate the importance of commuting mode choice for air pollution/noise exposure and physical activity level, and quantifie the health and wellbeing impacts of the nudges and other societal steering methods on population level.

Communication and interaction
We supports the internal and external interaction and societal impact of the project, and ensures achievement of the collaborative goals with stakeholders.